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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Cristiano Ronaldo leaves Manchester United!

Cristiano Ronaldo has just confirmed on Portuguese TV that over the next few days he will come to a decision on whether he stays in Man United or if he heads for Real Madrid.
But he is definitely closer to Real since, as he stated, he honestly does not wish to return to England as it is difficult for him to go back to a country that does not want him and have treated him they way they have over the past few days, making a mountain out of a molehill when he has done nothing wrong.

So it seems ladies and gents that the Brits and their tabloid attitude towards Cristiano Ronaldo have hopefully driven him to other shores. Their loss! :-)

Yeah sure, they still have Wayne Rooney, the "new Pelé" as I heard a British journalist refer to him! Ha, ha, ha, that is funny in a surreal way! With chauvinistic and idiotic attitudes, comments and analysis like that maybe football won't "return home" anytime soon!


At 10.7.06, Blogger boneca said...

eu nem vou muito à bola com este miúdo, mas acho que o que lhe fizeram não se faz - venha Madrid! (a Merche vai ficar contente:)


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