
Xikipedia (pronounced as either "cheek-ee-peedia or chick-ee-peedia") is a multilingual, web-based, free-content "pedia thingy", written collaboratively by errr... volunteers? Welcome to the world of "Xi!" (pronounced "chee").

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Pedro Carolino - O Engenho Português (Parte II)

English As She Is Spoke tornou-se num delicioso livro de anedotas. As reedições sucederam-se entre as quais uma prefaciada por Mark Twain que afirmou:

"Nobody can add to the absurdity of this book, nobody can imitate it successfully, nobody can hope to produce its fellow; it is perfect."

Aqui seguem alguns exemplos hilariantes a começar pela própria dedicatória de Pedro Carolino, com muita ternura e no seu próprio inglês:

"We expect then, who the little book (for the care what we wrote him, and for her typographical correction) that may be worth the acceptation of the studious persons, and especialy of the Youth, at which we dedicate him particularly."


  • As paredes teem ouvidos(sic): "The walls have hearsay"
  • Anda de gatinhas : "He go to four feet"
  • A estrada é segura?: "Is sure the road"
  • Sabe montar a cavalo: "He know ride horse"
  • Que horas são?: "What o'clock is it"
  • Quem cala consente: "That not says a word, consent"
  • Que faz ele: "What do him"
  • Tenho vontade de vomitar: "I have mind to vomit"
  • Bem sei o que devo fazer ou me compete: "I know well who I have to make"
  • Barriga cheia, cara alegre: "After the paunch comes the dance"
  • Ainda não é tempo delas; mas os damascos brevemente estarão maduros: "It is not the season yet; but here is some peaches what does ripen at the eye sight"
  • Este lago parece-me bem piscoso. Vamos pescar para nos divertir-mos: "That pond it seems me many multiplied of fishes. Let us amuse rather to the fishing"
  • Vamos mais depressa. Nunca vi pior besta. Não quer andar, nem para diante, nem para trás: "Go us more fast never i was seen a so much bad beast; she will not nor to bring forward neither put back"


For to dine. (Para o Jantar)
Go to dine, the dinner is ready.
Cut some bread; here is it, I don't know that boiled meat is good.
Gentilman, will you have some beans?
Peter, uncork a Porto wine bottle.
Sir, what will you to?
Some pears, and apples, what wilt you?
Taste us rather that liquor, it is good for the stomach.
I am too much obliged to you, is done.

For to buy. (Para as compras)
I won't have a good and fine cloth to make a coat.
How much do you sell it the ell?
We thout overcharge you from a halfpenny, it cost twenty franks.
Sir, I am not accustomed to cheapen: tell me the last price.
I have told you, sir, it is valuable in that.
It is too much dear, I give at it, eighteen franks.
You shall not have what you have wished.
You did beg me my last word, I told you them.
Well, well, cut them two ells.
Don't you will not more?
No, at present.


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